RBC encourages everyone to attend Sunday school to connect with others in the church and for their spiritual development. It is a fellowship that provides a comprehensive way of learning from one another and to receive encouragement to live by God’s Word.
RBC offers Sunday School for all ages. Sunday school starts at 9:30 am.
Sunday school for children and youth is organized into seven different classes. We are currently using the Children Desiring God curriculum for their classes. The aim of that curriculum is to impart to children a vision of God, who He is, and who we are in relation to Him, and to establish them with a foundation of doctrine and truth. We want them biblically grounded, seeing God as the hero of every story, with a God-centered world view and a faith that will hold them when the days of testing come. We want them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, and to delight in Him forever.
- Infant class for children below the age of two
- Toddler class for children two – four years old
- First class for children five years old
- Middle class for children in 1st – 3rd grade
- Upper class for children in 4th and 5th grade
- Junior high class for youth in 6th and 7th grade
- High School for youth in 8th grade and up
Adults all meet in one class.