- Aug 4, 2024God Is Our Creator (Part 9): The Day That Light Began [Genesis 1: 3-5]
- Jul 28, 2024God Is Our Creator (Part 8): Focus On The Earth [Genesis 1: 2]
- Jul 21, 2024Living and Learning Through Circumstances [Philippians 4: 10-18]
- Jul 14, 2024God Is Our Creator (Part 7}: Here It Is In A Nutshell [Genesis 1: 1]
- Jul 7, 2024Growing By Holy Habits [John 15: 6-11]
- Jun 30, 2024Living In His Life [John 15: 1-5]
- Jun 23, 2024Christ-Like Living In God’s World [Galatians 6: 1-10]
- Jun 16, 2024Trusting Amid Trouble [1 Peter 4: 7-19]
- Jun 9, 2024Genuine Faith Transforms Lives [James 1: 12]
- Jun 2, 2024The Wedding Feast [Matthew 22: 1-14]