- Dec 3, 2017From Natural to Supernatural Faith (part 2) [John 4: 16-26]
- Nov 26, 2017From Natural to Supernatural Faith (part 1) [John 4: 1-15]
- Nov 19, 2017Earthly to Heavenly Things [John 3: 22-36]
- Nov 12, 2017Believe or Be Deceived (part 2) [John 3:17-21]
- Nov 5, 2017Believe or Be Deceived (part 1) [John 3: 11-16]
- Oct 29, 2017Its Gonna Blow [John 3: 1-10]
- Oct 22, 2017Righteous Indignation [John 2: 12-25]
- Oct 15, 2017The Creator Creates [John 2: 1-11]
- Oct 8, 2017Follow Me [John 1: 38-51]
- Oct 1, 2017Behold the Lamb of God [John 1: 19-37]