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Oct 7, 2018
The Heart of the Matter [John 12: 1-11]
Series: Book of John
A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
1.  Are you seeking Jesus for what you can get from Him or are you being led by the Spirit and desire to give all for His glory?  [1 Peter 5:10]
2.  Can you better understand the difference between true religion and false religion as we see the selfish motives of Judas, the crowds, and the religious elite, as compared to the gratitude of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus?  [James 1:27]
  • Oct 7, 2018The Heart of the Matter [John 12: 1-11]
    Oct 7, 2018
    The Heart of the Matter [John 12: 1-11]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
    1.  Are you seeking Jesus for what you can get from Him or are you being led by the Spirit and desire to give all for His glory?  [1 Peter 5:10]
    2.  Can you better understand the difference between true religion and false religion as we see the selfish motives of Judas, the crowds, and the religious elite, as compared to the gratitude of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus?  [James 1:27]
  • Sep 30, 2018God Is Sovereign Over His Opposition [John 11: 46-57]
    Sep 30, 2018
    God Is Sovereign Over His Opposition [John 11: 46-57]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
    1.  If you struggle with the doctrine of total depravity (that we are unable to do anything that glorifies God of and by ourselves), can you now see how we need Christ to give us spiritual life just as much as Lazarus needed Christ to give Him physical life?  [Eph 2:1]
    2.  Looking back 2000 years later, can you see how God perfectly orchestrated all these events to reach the perfect outcome of His will, our salvation?  [Rom 9:11]
    3.  Can you better understand and enjoy the freedom that we have as Christians to do God’s will as we better understand how the Holy Spirit is the one guiding us and leading us?  [(Gal 5:18]
  • Sep 23, 2018God’s Glory Is Made Manifest In Christ [John 11: 37-45]
    Sep 23, 2018
    God’s Glory Is Made Manifest In Christ [John 11: 37-45]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Sep 16, 2018A Sovereign Approach to Sorrow [John 11: 17-36]
    Sep 16, 2018
    A Sovereign Approach to Sorrow [John 11: 17-36]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Sep 9, 2018One Story, Two Perspectives [John 11: 1-16]
    Sep 9, 2018
    One Story, Two Perspectives [John 11: 1-16]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Sep 2, 2018Scripture Cannot Be Broken, But We Must Be [John 10: 34-42]
    Sep 2, 2018
    Scripture Cannot Be Broken, But We Must Be [John 10: 34-42]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Aug 26, 2018The Father Gives You To The Son [John 10: 22-33]
    Aug 26, 2018
    The Father Gives You To The Son [John 10: 22-33]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Aug 19, 2018The Reason God Loves You [John 10: 17-21]
    Aug 19, 2018
    The Reason God Loves You [John 10: 17-21]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Aug 12, 2018Jesus Defines Good [John 10: 11-16]
    Aug 12, 2018
    Jesus Defines Good [John 10: 11-16]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler
  • Aug 5, 2018Sound Check, Testing 1,2,3 [John 10: 1-10]
    Aug 5, 2018
    Sound Check, Testing 1,2,3 [John 10: 1-10]
    Series: Book of John
    A sermon series on the Book of John - Pastor Lance Fessler