- Jun 9, 2019A Mock Trial and Three Denials [John 18: 12-27]
- Jun 2, 2019Jesus: Victim or Victor [John 18: 1-11]
- May 26, 2019Homeward Bound [John 17: 24-26]
- May 19, 2019One and Done [John 17:20-23]
- May 12, 2019Prayer to Share (Part 2) [John 17: 14-19]
- May 5, 2019Prayer to Share (Part 1) [John 17: 11-13]
- Apr 28, 2019The Prayer and Promise of Intercession [John 17: 6-10]
- Apr 21, 2019Does the Trinity Celebrate Easter [John 17: 1-5]
- Apr 14, 2019Love, Faith, and Peace Are Yours [John 16: 25-33]
- Apr 7, 2019Sorrow and Joy Kiss at the Cross [John 16: 16-24]