- Jul 24, 2022The Appetite of the Soul – The Old Testament Unbeliever (Part 3): The Matter of Sin [Isaiah 55: 6-9]
- Jul 17, 2022The Appetite of the Soul – The Old Testament Unbeliever (Part 2): The Direct Call [Isaiah 55:6]
- Jul 10, 2022The Appetite of the Soul – The Old Testament Unbeliever (Part 1): The Indirect Call [Isaiah 55: 1-3]
- Jul 3, 2022William Tyndale
- Jun 26, 2022The Church (Part 2) [Ephesians 2: 19-21]
- Jun 19, 2022The Church (Part 1) [Ephesians 2: 19]
- Jun 12, 2022Oneness in Christ [Ephesians 2: 14-18]
- Jun 5, 2022Hope vs Hopelessness {Ephesians 2: 11-13]
- May 29, 2022Baptism [Acts 8:12-13]
- May 15, 2022Saving Faith [Ephesians 2:8]