- Apr 28, 2019The Prayer and Promise of Intercession [John 17: 6-10]
- Apr 21, 2019Does the Trinity Celebrate Easter [John 17: 1-5]
- Apr 14, 2019Love, Faith, and Peace Are Yours [John 16: 25-33]
- Apr 7, 2019Sorrow and Joy Kiss at the Cross [John 16: 16-24]
- Mar 31, 2019The Holy Spirit Exalts Christ [John 16: 12-15]
- Mar 24, 2019The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (part 2) [John 16: 1-11]
- Mar 17, 2019The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (part 1) [John 16: 1-11]
- Mar 10, 2019Our Source of Grace and Peace [Galatians 1: 1-5]
- Mar 3, 2019Why The World Hates You [John 15: 17-27]
- Feb 24, 2019Choosing Friends [John 15: 12-16]