RBC pursues strengthening our gospel-centered community through small group meetings that we call growth groups. The groups are made up of men and women from all generations of life. These groups meet regularly throughout the month for Christian fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, and studying God’s Word. They’re a place where we work to focus on the application of God’s Word in our lives and consider each other over ourselves. RBC encourages every family to be involved in a growth group. Participation in a growth group has these benefits:
- Personal discovery happens in small groups better than large groups. You can learn, ask questions, involve yourself in the lives of others, and generally make yourself vulnerable among other people who are doing the same in small groups
- Smaller communities act more like, well, communities. Small communities provide a greater degree of intimacy.
- Small groups deliver deeper friendships that help with accountability.
- Small groups deliver maximum participation. There are opportunities to discuss questions, concerns, issues, and struggles with others in the church, as well as share the joy in our life. Church life issues can be discussed openly among trusted friends. Lives are sharpened and leaders developed.
Most of RBC’s growth groups meet in the afternoon or evening of the first and third Sunday of each month. The growth groups meet in a home or at the church.
RBC currently has three growth groups that a family can join.
- A growth group led by Jeremiah Bennett and Tim Conner. The group meets right after the worship service on Sunday on the first and third Sunday of each month at the home of Jared and Tracy Kohl in Lewisburg.
- A growth group led by Rod Conner. The group meets right after the worship service on Sunday on the first and third Sunday of each month at the home of Rod and Linda Conner in Lewisburg.
- A growth group led by Joel Hamilton and Steve Guthrie. The group meets right after the worship service on Sunday on the first and third Sunday of each month at the church.
Please contact any of the growth leaders for more information about their group. The contact phone number for the growth group leader is in the church bulletin.
Reformed Baptist Church | 830 Buffalo Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 | rbclewisburg@gmail.com | 570-524-7488